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Adding And Updating Products To Your Store

By Printshoot, june 07, 2023

Before you can start listing items, you must Register as a seller. Review our Seller Policy to make sure your items fit with Printshoot.

Go to your dashboard, click on Products, then click on Add Product

Step 1 : Choose Upload a photo and mockups To add the product you created See How To Create Product.  You can add multiple photos at once. The first photo on a listing becomes the thumbnail for this listing.

Step 2 : Add a title, Each product sheet has a title , This is the text that appears above the listing image on the listing page, in your store, and in search results. Use your title to briefly tell buyers what your item does.

Step 3 : Set the price. Choose the price that you deem appropriate for your product and that suits your strategy, but must not be less than the basic price of the Printshoot service fee. How is my payment calculated ?

Step 4 : Choose listing categories,  you should choose the category Depending of your product, Categories currently available (T-shirt, Mugs, Phone case, Bag  ). New items will be added every time. When any new item is added oranything , we will publish it in Printshoo-Nwes

Step 5 : Add tags. A tag is a word or short phrase that describes your Product. Think of how your audience would search for this work, and use words to describe it.

Step 6: Add Print Design, Upload a photo of the design you added to your product to be used in print.

Step 7: Describe your listing, The description of your product help attract, inform and interest potential buyers. By explaining and describing your artwork.

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